Prof. Dr. Barry Laga, Colorado Mesa University, Colorado, USA

Prof. Laga hat durch seinen mehrmonatigen Aufenthalt als Gastprofessor in Leipzig und seinen in deutscher Sprache gehaltenen Vortrag über Freiheit bei der Brigham Young University Management Society, Chapter Leipzig, einen Beitrag zur deutschsprachigen Kultur geleistet. Sein Vortrag wird spätestens ab 15.7.2015 auf unserer Homepage in der Rubrik Essaya zu lesen sein.


Das Leipziger Institut für American Studies hat seine Gastprofessur wie folgt kommentiert:

"American Studies Leipzig is very happy to welcome Prof. Barry Laga as Fulbright Guest Professor for the coming two semesters. Prof. Laga earned his BA and MA at  Brigham Young University in Utah and his PhD from Purdue University in Indiana. Since 1997, he has been teaching at Colorado Mesa University in Colorado where he is Chair of the Department of Literature, Languages, and Mass Communication.

Prof. Laga primarily teaches American literature but also theory and criticism, film, writing, postmodern culture, and much more. At ASL, he will teach two MA seminars, titled "Atlantic Cross-Pollination" and "American Borderlands."

About his time at ASL, Prof. Laga said: "I’m delighted to be at Uni Leipzig, and I’m certain I will learn a great deal from my cosmopolitan colleagues and students. I feel more like a student than a teacher, for everyone has something new and interesting to teach me. I want to make the most of my opportunity to live and work in Leipzig. I want to be a sponge that soaks up every drop of art, music, food, and conversation I encounter."

If you would like to find out more about Prof. Laga, please visit his website where he also provides information about his teaching philosophy and a link to his website on theory and criticism."