Was born in the German Settlement of Haifa in the Holy Land in 1932, educated in Palestine, Germany and Australia. Trained as a Colour Photolithograph in Stuttgart. Migrated to Australia in 1951. Worked in a Lithographic Printing and Packaging Company for over 35 years. Was engaged as the Production Manager in charge of 350 employees and later as Industrial Engineer for the AMATIL group of companies. Installed the successful Quality Circle concept to the company, as well as formed the Australian Quality Circles Associations and organized nation wide Quality Control conferences. Owned and managed my own Management and Productivity Improvement Consulting firm and wrote and published my own training material. After ten years of consulting purchased and managed a 25 man manufacturing company successfully.
Joined the LDS Church in 1964, active in the Church with many callings such as Sunday
School President, Elders Quorum Director, Stake High Councilor, Assistant to the Bishop, Family History Centre Director, then as Bishop, Regional Family History Advisor, then on a two year Family History Mission. Visited, advised and trained the then over one hundred Family History Centers around Australia, which was a unique six month travelling assignment. Assistant to the Bishop and teacher in the High Priest Group.
Build my own house. Keen gardener and great believer in self sufficient living style. Grind my own flour and bake my own bread for over forty years.
Married for 58 years, have 5 children. 12 grand children and three great grand children.
Have researched many family histories and published many books and booklets. Established a large German Templer Family Archive with a large computer Data Base
Did a ten year research work for the Israel Sarona Park restoration project in Tel Aviv, Israel.
I was involved in family history research for many years and in my retirement enlarged my family
history research activities and publishing. I researched many different families and build up a large Templer family archive. Published many family history booklets and books.
1) ‘Team Lader’ and “Member Manuals’ for Quality Circles.
{Training materials for group problem solving through employee participation; ISBN 1 86347 001 8.)
2) ‘From Desert Sands to Golden Oranges – The History of the
German Templer Settlement of Sarona in Palestina 1871-1947’; ISBN 141203506-6.
3) ‘Shattered Dreams at Kilimanjaro- An Historical Account of
German Settlers from Palestine Who Started a New Life in German East Africa
in the Late 19th and Early 20th Century’; ISBN 142513922-1.
4) ‘The Wennagel Story – The Fate of the Wennagel Families of the
Master Builders from the Black Forest, Germany, the Templer Settlement in
the Holy Land and onto Australia from 1699 – 2007’; ISBN 1442512629.
5) ‘Exiled from the Holy Land –The Loss of the Templer Settlements
in Palestine and Deportation to Australia 1941-1950’; ISBN 978-1-4251-3891-2.
6) ‘The Blaich Genealogy – 1578 – 2010’ – Thirteen Generations
of Blaich Family History in Germany, the Americas, Palestine, Africa, Syria, Egypt
and Australia’
7) ‘Blaich Family Newsletters’ – Years 1986 – 2010’;
ISBN 9780-9758408-1-2.
8) Also many Family History Booklets